Friday, January 20, 2012

Cycle of Life

As I was cleaning out my closet I was feeling the spring cleaning bug even though it is not spring. I ran across some inspirational cards and I was reading through them and I thought to myself I am going to post some of theses inspiration so here goes the first one that is so true especially in my life right now.  "In the day of prosperity be joyful, but in the day of adversity consider: God also hath set the one over against the other."  ECCLESIASTES 7:14 . I hope everybody likes this verse. It is so hard to be patient when things are going wrong in our life but we have to think that each phase of life is a chapter in a book. Knowing that there is an end to each chapter.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

moms news

It is so hard being a stay at home mom and not work. On the other hand you get to see your kids grow up feel fulfilled  that you are doing a good job at raising your children. I have decided to look into doing everything in my power to try and bring a little extra income this year now that my kids are not babies. I have two toddler boys and a 18 yr old daughter. I am very fortunate and having my 18 yr old help me out. She is now in college and I am very proud that she has decided to further her education which I think is really important. Even though I didn't go to college this some thing that I wanted for her. Please stay tuned to more of my blogs I will try to learn how to add links to others that I follow.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

New Years Resoulutuion

Every New Year its the same everybody telling that you need a new years resolution to start the year off right. Do we really need them? how many go through with all the wishes or how many come true. This year I decided to do something different everything I would of wished for I am really going to try and do. Like this blog for instance I kept putting it off and not doing anything about starting. So I am going to try and do different things that I have never done in my life. This I do want it to go by and not do anything with my life. Happy New Year everybody.